Update 0.02 - Gameplay, Balances, Map Changes and Bug Fixes

Update 0.02 Brings some new Map Changes, Gameplay Balances and Bug Fixes

Hello! Thanks so much for your feedback on the questionnaire. After some brainstorming and listening to all of your feedback I've made the following changes to Saint Siege.

Gameplay / Balancing

- Flintlock Reload time reduced from 2 > 1 second(s)

- Full Heal at the healing station is no longer free and now requires 500 points 

- Picking up Ammo from Chests is no longer free and now requires 250 points

Map / Level Design Changes

- Relocated the anvil, furnace and barrels in the first section to avoid being trapped  

- Opened up a lot of smaller parts of the map making it easier to move around

Bug Fixes

- Fixed an issue where players were able to jump onto zombies and get out of bounds (You can still jump, crowd surf and parkour over zombies because I think its really cool 

- Fixed and Issue where players could only open up the market area with one door, both will work now

- Fixed and Issue where  players could hide behind objects and still hit zombies while zombies couldn't hit the player



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May 06, 2024
SaintSiege.zip 81 MB
May 06, 2024

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